Ok well maybe not. But that seems to be the current theme in today’s society. Everything is a constant competition with a goal to be the best, brightest, and greatest and even those in a deep relationship with God can succumb to the temptation of worldly prestige and honor.
Psst…that’s the enemy preying on our human weakness and desire to ‘feel good.’ You might be thinking “Oh no, I can never stand up to Satan alone. I’m doomed for sure.” But guess what? That’s only partially true. We as humans do not have the power to stand up to Satan alone.
But guess what else? Great news! Because of the awesome sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Amazing Grace, and God’s Awesomeness, we don’t have to do it alone. How cool is that? You can have an all mighty power on your side and He is right there waiting for you to embark on the most awesome relationship you could ever imagine. With God on your side, who could you possibly fear? Take a look at Mark 7:24-30. There you will find a wonderful story of a woman who fell at the feet of Jesus and found mercy.
Seek the knowledge of your daily need for Jesus. Don’t let anything prevent you from coming to him every day in prayer.